why do we place limits on ourselves?

Precious Pioneer
3 min readNov 4, 2020
Photo by Randy Tarampi on Unsplash

We all have key wants and desires.

To be successful. To grow into whoever we’re meant to be…

What happens when we fall short… missing the mark?

Can it be chalked up to be the lack of skill and accomplishments?

Sure, maybe.

But, I think that we limit ourselves, hold ourselves back because of one thing…


Fear can look like anything. Be anything. But, hidden it seeps in the the back of our minds controlling our subconscious decisions.

What if I fail? What will people think of me? What if I lose friends? How will I handle their judgement? What if I can’t do it?

Though these questions have the potential to happen, I think the main question you should be asking yourself is if the reward outweighs the risk. Is it better to be bold and fail than to contemplate, what if?

Sometime I have all of these ideas in my head, that I know if I applied, could be so cool.

But, other times I get doubtful of my worth and potential. So much so, that I’ll do nothing at all. But, gifts weren’t ever meant to be buried, rather seed to multiply bearing fruit.

I find the main reason we put limits on ourselves is because we’re afraid of how we’ll be perceived.

To that I say:

Dream Bigger Goals: Dream dreams so big that they scare you into action. Write them down, work towards them.

Improve Your Skills: Work on fighting and working on your weaknesses, strengthen your strengths — as you grow more knowledge and experience, you’ll master skills that’ll help shape and mold you.

Get Things Done — Don’t Procrastinate: Learn to execute because dreams can be reached and inch at a time. Even when you feel like you’ve got a long way to go, you’re at least on your way there.

Be Present: It’s amazing to dream about the future, but gratitude found in today, the now, will carry you through when the journey gets tough. Smell the flowers.

Create Your Own Ideas: If you don’t fit into a niche, create one. Sit at your own table. When you take the pressure and limitations you’ll be able to create more, do more.

Do What Sparks Joy For You: Given, you’re sometimes in a spot for money and survival, but work at a place that makes you happy. Do whatever that fulfills your life, or at least begin working towards that and you’ll thrive in your purpose.

Take Action, Take Initiative: Don’t let fear of failure stop you from reaching your goals or missing opportunities. Turn your ideas into reality. Stop overthinking it and just get started.

We limit ourselves because we ask ourselves the wrong questions and answering them in a way that cripples us.

It’s not, “What happens if I fail? What if I can’t do it?”

But, what happens if you succeed? What if you did it and you were better off? Happy? Fulfilled? Content? A new learned life lesson?

What if — you stopped limiting yourself?

(a video, aesthetic version -enjoy)



Precious Pioneer

a young adult trying to tread through rising expenses and climate change. adulting is hardly easy, but I’ll settle for good coffee and a scoop of ice cream.